Linux 核心 4.1 釋出。

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2015-06-23 Linux kernel 尚無留言

Date Sun, 21 Jun 2015 22:23:00 -0700
Subject Linux 4.1 released
From Linus Torvalds <>


So after a *very* quiet week after the 4.1-rc8 release, the final 4.1
release is now out.

I’m not sure if it was quiet because there really were no problems
(knock wood), or if people decided to be considerate of my vacation,
but whatever the reason, I appreciate it. It’s not like the 4.1
release cycle was particularly painful, and let’s hope that the extra
week of letting it sit makes for a great release. Which wouldn’t be a
bad thing, considering that 4.1 will also be a LTS release.

Anyway, since rc8 we’ve had truly small changes, mainly some final
driver fixups (HDA sound, drm, scsi target, crypto) and a couple of
small misc fixes. The appended shortlog is probably one of the
shortest ones ever. I’m not complaining.

And this obviously means that the merge window for 4.2 is open.




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